Selected Publications by Ampere Labs Staff
[2023] Frequency performance payments in the NEM [Download]
This paper, presented at the 2023 CIGRE Cairns Symposium, was based on the work done on the AEMC “Primary frequency response incentive arrangements” rule change project.
[2022] Joint estimation of inertia and load relief [Open Access]
A system frequency response model-based approach to estimate both system inertia and load relief factor using high-speed disturbance data. The approach appears to work well in smaller systems (where the assumptions underlying a system frequency response model are valid) and where a complete set of disturbance recorder / PMU data is available.
[2021] Online Security Assessment of Low-Inertia Power Systems: A Real-Time Frequency Stability Tool for the Australian South-West Interconnected System [Download]
Writeup of an online frequency stability assessment tool that was deployed to production in 2019 as a situational awareness and security monitoring control room tool used in the South West Interconnected System.
[2021] Closed-Form Solutions for a Low-Order System Fast Frequency Response Model [Download]
This paper proposed a neat closed-form solution for a system frequency response model based on a primary frequency response modelled as a lag block.
[2020] Impact of reverse power flow in distribution feeders on under-frequency load shedding schemes [Download]
Paper documenting the erosion of available under-frequency load shedding (UFLS) volumes in the middle of the day due to widespread rooftop PV penetration in the South West Interconnected System.
Review paper summarising the current and emerging impacts of inverter-based generation on power system stability.
An examination of frequency control challenges in Australia’s National Electricity Market (NEM), investigating questions around governor deadbands, the role of market frameworks, declining system inertia and how renewable energy generation can be used more effectively.
[2013] Estimation of induction motor parameters using hybrid algorithms for power system dynamic studies [Download]
Algorithms for estimating induction motor equivalent circuit parameters from manufacturer data for use in dynamic studies, e.g. motor starting analysis. MATLAB code implementations for the algorithms in this paper can be found in this Github repository.