WEM datacubes are CSV versions of the 5-min resolution WEMDE market data provided by AEMO in the form of JSON files. In each datacube, a selection of data such as spot prices, cleared quantities, facility SCADA and facility schedules are extracted from the WEMDE solution files and converted into an easy-to-use CSV file.
The following datacubes are currently available:
- Market summary: spot prices and total cleared quantities for the energy market and the 5 essential system services (ESS) markets for each 5-min dispatch interval. [Download sample (7 days of data)]
- Facility SCADA: telemetered actual outputs for each registered facility at the start of each 5-min dispatch interval. [Download sample (1 day of data)]
- Facility schedules: cleared dispatch schedule for each facility in the energy market and the 5 ESS markets for each 5-min dispatch interval. [Download sample (1 day of data)]
For more detailed information on the data provided, please refer to the documentation.
Please contact us for further information.