Ampere Labs is an Australian engineering services company providing analysis and advice on power systems and energy markets, mainly in Australia, South East Asia and the Pacific.
Our Team
Julius Susanto
Principal Consultant / Director
Julius is a chartered power systems engineer with over 20 years of industry experience across the electricity supply chain, including working at organisations such as the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC), the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), Transgrid, DIgSILENT and Worley. He has postgraduate qualifications in electrical engineering (PhD) and economics (Grad Dip). He was a 2020 Churchill Fellow and is currently based in Perth, Western Australia.
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Jack Bryant
Senior Power Systems Engineer
Jack is a power systems engineer and qualified electrician with experience across rail, oil and gas, power generation, and manufacturing. He holds a PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Jack received a New Colombo Plan Scholarship from the Australian Government in 2017 and was the inaugural recipient of the T.J. Effeney Award from the Australian Power Institute in 2018.